We ALL Count

You Matter, Be Counted

Fill out the Census by September 30 at 2020census.gov

Most of us want to live in the best places and the safest neighborhoods for our families, no matter what we look like or how much money we have.

But today, some politicians are trying to undermine our communities by spreading fear, because they know that when all of us are counted in the census, we get the resources and political representation we deserve. By ensuring each and every one of us is counted – whether Black, white, or brown, native or newcomer, Latino or Asian – we build an Ohio for all of us. When the census includes and represents all of us, we get our fair share of funding for basic services and ensure that we make the future.

Watch & share the video at the top of this page, click below to find more civic engagement resources from Policy Matters Ohio, and make sure your family, friends, and neighbors complete the Census before September 30.


Volunteer with Freedom BLOC


Volunteer with Ohio Environmental Council